Adjusted Crystal PvP Kit sword for better gameplay.
Fixed horse spawn issue in Manhunt arena, player will now spawn with a horse.
Added an invitations system.
Fixed some exploits in protection settings.
The `/claims` command inventory behaves like the trash inventory. When shift-clicking an item from the player's inventory, the item gets stuck in the `/claims` inventory and cannot be retrieved.
The rewards size of vote vault is set to 2 from 4.
Added trident in vote vault.
Removed mace from vote vault.
Unlocked the Vote Vault.
Added $500 Money as rewards per vote.
The Bedrock port has been changed to 19132, the default port.
Added a reconnection system: If a server crashes or reboots, you will be automatically reconnected to the previous server from the hub once it comes back online.
Added a Vote System to enhance player engagement.
Introduced the Pinata Party System:
- A Pinata Party llama spawns randomly at Survival spawn when 10 total votes are reached.
- Players can also trigger Pinata Party using money.
Added Vote Vault and Keys for redeemable rewards.
The claim chunk limit has been removed, allowing players to claim an unlimited number of chunks (previously limited to 20).
The /addchunk command now costs $100 per chunk instead of being free.
Resolved the Too Expensive issue with anvils by increasing the XP enchantment limit to 69 (from the vanilla value of 39).